Greg 3rd July 2021

I first met Phil when he gave us all a lift back from a swimming competition at Morden swimming baths when we we're about 9 or 10 years old and what made it so special was that we got to go in his Daimler which as a council estate kid in the 80's was out of this world, I don't remember too much as it was a long time ago but I do remember Big Phil laughing and joking with us on the way home. "They broke the mold with him" gets banded about a little to often these days but they truly did with Phil and old school gent who commanded respect, I always remembered the photo that Phil junior had of him and Jan on the mantlepiece in Kennington "Propper dapper gent" everyone reacted so fondly to him,laughs and smiles were never too far away too wether he meant to make you laugh or not, he always did. Rest in Peace Big Phil you will be missed.